- Spring! Waking up to sunshine and birds chirping, is there anything so wonderful? This weather makes running and bike riding ideal. Mike has class most weeknights, but this Monday he had off, so we rode our bikes a few miles to Chipotle and the Apple store. It was all kinds of glorious.
- The public library, where I can find an endless supply of of free issues of Vegetarian Times, sewing books, a ton of TV shows on DVD, Jodi Picoult novels, cookbooks, and a memoir to feed my obsession with Big Love. The best place ever.
- Starting to train for a 10K race. I’ll be able to cross off yet another goal. Running is so empowering. (Plus! Steph just started a 30 Day challenge. Perfection.)
- In less than a month, I’ll be at the BEACH after spending ten days in Texas. Heck yes, vacation!
- New, cute dresses for said beach trip. I’m so looking forward to a tan, freckled version of myself in a adorable, summery dress.
- A husband who still makes me giggle, sigh with happiness, and whistle (as in, “Haw-ttie!” after 20 months of marriage.
- Free Chipotle tomorrow at work (Chipotle twice in one week. Be jealous.). It’s, like, Cinco de Mayo ALL WEEK here!
- Awesome sister is going to live at my parents’ this summer instead of 2.5 hours away. Score! I love having my sisters close; the more often I see them, the better.
- Free Starbucks gift cards through my Discover Card bonus rewards. I get a free gift card every few months, which I use to feed my elitist coffee obsession. Hazelnut lattes, iced coffee, and caramel macchiatos are my elixirs of choice. Yum.
- This quote, which found in a bathroom stall in Ithaca, New York. It’s sort of my new mantra:

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