I have no idea how I am going to return to work. Part of me looks forward to having something to contribute to and succeed at outside of motherhood, the other part of me wants to spend every second with Gabe. And all of me dreads the hour commute and leaving these sweet baby toes:
Baby socks don’t stay on.
Swaddles. Just, yes. Do it.
Babies smiles, laughs, and sneezes are the most adorable things in the world. Period. (Their coughs, however, are surprisingly terrifying.)
Babies make you popular. If people paid attention to you while you were pregnant, JUST YOU WAIT. It seems like everyone wants to talk to us now, which is awesome. Especially when they’re telling me how cute my little baby is.
Target is the mecca for new moms. I can always spot them – wheeling around their infant carrier perched on a cart, their hair in a messy bun and wearing sweatshirts and yoga pants. Where else can you fill a prescription, get ketchup, buy a latte, and get your flu shot all at one time?
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