They told me there was a problem with our internet that couldn’t be fixed for at least 24 hours and I panicked: “But…but…how do I survive without the internet? What will I make for dinner without recipes online? Where is Gabe’s dentist appointment tomorrow? WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE LIKE!?”
“Wait. No. This will be great! We will get out and do stuff! We will be internet-free for an entire day! Maybe I can even write a post about how awesome it is to have an internet-free day! We will rock at this! Okay, let’s go Gabe!”
We walked to the library, where hey! This place has an awesome play area! Our no-internet day, man. So many discoveries already! I picked up a few holds I had waiting (the first West Wing DVD and 20 books on toddler behavior and sleep. Nothing says desperation like checking out a dozen books on toddlers, amiright?) and walked back to the play area.
Gabe played with some toys and hovered around a sweet little 4-year-old boy who was building with some plastic snap-together things. Gabe would knee over to him, and Little Redhead would slowly scoot away Gabe. Gabe would knee, Little Redhead would scoot. I intervened, apologized and explained to Little Redhead that Gabe was very little and didn’t know he was bothering him.
Then Little Redhead whipped out a marker and started drawing red lines on the plastic blocks.
I pretended to ignore it, because no one likes being the bad guy (and I am scared of talking to kids when their parents are around). Finally, I just whispered to him, “Hey. Do you think you’re allowed to do that?” Little Redhead shrugged. “Well, I just don’t want you to get in trouble.”
He looked at me over his tiny, round glasses, and very seriously said something in a tiny, garbled whisper that I like to think was, “Okay. Don’t tell anyone I did it.” Or maybe it was, “Shut up. Don’t tell me what to do, woman. I will cut you.”
I plopped down with a book for some glorious 20 minutes, reading while Gabe continued to try to play with every child in the library. Eventually, his persistence paid off and a preschooler got mad at him and pushed him into a chair. He started crying, so I picked him up and explained to the little girl that he didn’t mean to make her mad. “He doesn’t understand what you’re saying to him yet.” Instead of going all Mama Bear, I surprisingly didn’t even care. Two minutes later, Gabe and the little girl walking around together, finding books to read.
We left the library and went for a walk. It was a lovely, clear day. Oh, naïve Ashley.
We got back to the apartment and I was in gung-ho cleaning and cooking mood. “Load of laundry! Must do all the dishes! And clean up ALL THE THINGS! Oh, I shall make macaroni and cheese soup for dinner! Yes! Today is great! I feel so accomplished!”
I grabbed my trusty immersion blender to mash some beans for the soup. A hunk of beans got stuck in the bottom, so I carefully started to pull the mass of bean mush out of the bottom of the wand. Except.
My finger suddenly got shredded. I threw the immersion blender down, confused. I looked at my finger. “Weird. It’s all cut up, but not bleeding.” For 10 seconds. It started gushing. I grabbed a clean dish towel and tossed back a few ibuprofen (I knew that mo fo would hurt once it got feeling.)
Apparently, my other hand was holding the top of the wand, where the world’s Most Sensitive Button was lightly touched and shredded my index finger on my right hand. MY LEFT HAND SABOTAGED MY RIGHT. (Attention: no mean jokes about my stupidity. MIKE.) (Also, I’m not alone, according to the reviews on Amazon. CUISINART.)
I was afraid I’d pass out (my mom passed out a few times when she cut herself on broken glass when I was a kid, so it’s a Fear), so I laid down on the floor with my dish towel-wrapped hand on the seat of our recliner. Gabe came over to see what I was doing, while I fumbled for my phone. I called Mike. No answer. He turns off his phone in class and wouldn’t be home for two more hours.
I laid pathetically on the floor and texted to Twitter about how much it sucked. I couldn’t look at my finger – I could just see that there was a cut with a hunk of something coming out of it and that my nail was sliced through at the base. MY NAIL WAS SLICED THROUGH TO THE SKIN. AND THE SKIN WAS BLEEDING, PEOPLE.
When I couldn’t get ahold of Mike, I did what any adult would do: I called my mom. I was hoping to get advice about whether the ER was warranted or how I care for a finger I can’t even stomach looking at, but she didn’t answer. So I called my dad, who spent 15 minutes on the phone with me.
“What should I Google?”
“I don’t know. ‘When to go to the ER for cut finger?'”
“Dad, are you finding anything?”
“Yeah. Oh, ew. This story is disgusting. How did this person type this with a severed finger? Oh, wait. He said it was really hard to type.”
My dad came over to watch Gabe (who I found in the bathroom BEHIND THE BABY GATE next to the toilet.) (Yes, we have exactly ONE baby gate in this house: in the bathroom. In front of the toilet.), since I was out of commission (“It’s not like you broke your leg,” said my husband. Two words: MAN COLD, Mike. Man. Cold.) and my mom came over to give me her expert opinion and bring my dad s0me dinner.
My parents’ advice: Don’t go to the ER. Your nail is totally going to fall off and might not grow back. You have nerve damage. I have no idea what that hunk of stuff coming out of the wound is. Oh, and get a rubber glove to wear so it doesn’t get wet. And use hydrogen peroxide. Wait, don’t. It might cause tissue damage. Wait, do. It’s good.
I would show you a picture except it’s just nasty. NASTY. NAAASSTTTY. I shudder every time I change my bandage. Let me describe what it looks like:
Diagonal stripes across the nail, which are sliced through the skin. The skin bled under the nail. Then a big hunk on the side looks like it just exploded. Not a clean cut, just an explosion of skin. I have no idea what the heck is going on there. I’m a little scared of how it’ll heal, to be honest. It doesn’t even hurt, which makes me think I really do have nerve damage. Which, according to my mom, “The only downside of nerve damage is it gets cold faster than the rest of your body.”
So. Bright side! It’s like when I burned my finger so badly the skin turned gray, but it didn’t even hurt.
Most of the time, it looks like this:
(They are called ‘finger cots,’ but I think you can see why we called them ‘finger condoms’ when I worked at Starbucks. Ahem. They come sized, as well.)
We didn’t have any gauze, so I improvised. I was rifling through the contents of our bathroom, when I found an old box of disposable nursing pads. Genius struck, and I cut it up to use on my finger. Just all me MacGyver. Or Weird Lady with a Boob Pad on her Finger.
I’ve also poked Gabe in the eye a few times trying to feed him something. He looked offended.
Oh, and I totally finished making the macaroni and cheese soup later that night. It was freaking tasty.
And we have internet again, we actually got internet from one of the best internet providers in camden sc.
Medical advice welcome.
Is it wrong to laugh at this story?
Equally, well coped :)
You had me laughing. I’m glad you are okay :) yay for an adventurous day.
Do you think the soup was so tasty because there were little shards of Ashley in it? Just saying…
Glad to see Mike didn’t come up to find you passed out while Gabe was playing in the toilet.
Oh my wow. First of all, I am now terrified of my immersion blender and the fact that it could betray me at any moment. Second, I kind of want to see the weird explosion of skin. Lastly, you totally handled the situation like an awesome mom! No passing out, no screaming, no running in circles crying. I am so proud.
I’ve had a similar experience but it involved a real blender and a spoon. Turns out it was still rotating a little at the bottom. Shattered glass. Cut hand. New blender for mom. I’m glad you didn’t pass out! I would have totally freaked out.
Hilarious account of your equally painful event!
This post was really funny and made me laugh several times!
Careful it doesn’t get infected. If it doesn’t seem to be healing properly within a week or so I say go to the doctor!
Oh God, I have NO idea what I would have done if it was me who cut my finger up like that. I can’t handle it whatsoever. This is however the best post ever lol! And on an unrelated note, I really like the ring you’re wearing in that picture of your bandage… So pretty!
Hope your finger isn’t hurting too bad! Isn’t it bad to take aspirin when you’re gushing blood though? Because it thins out your blood AKA makes you bleed more? Although I guess if it’s just a finger cut that’s not the worst thing to do anyway. I’m horrible at medical advice.
YUCK, OH GOD. I would’ve gone to the ER immediately. Because I’m squeamish & also neurotic. Is that finger condom doing the trick? And can you tell me more about mac & cheese soup?
Oh gracious. I’m so sorry about your finger! I once sliced my finger with a brand new pocketknife from the base of the nail to the first knuckle. It was down to the bone. This was 15 years ago, and the scar is still there.
Anyway, I just wrapped it with a towel until it stopped bleeding (forever!) and stuck a bandaid on it because I was afraid Dad would take the knife away if he knew I had cut myself with it. I probably needed to get stitches, but c’est la vie.
My advice would be to keep it covered and dry, though. Change bandages often. And I’ve been told not to use neosporin or anything until it starts to close. And watch very closely for signs of infection.
Here is my medical advice! I think it’s fine that you didn’t go to the ER, because I doubt they could’ve stitched anything in a place like that. Keep it bandaged, it will actually help it heal faster. Signs of infection would be redness, swelling, and pus. Go to the doctor if you see any of that. Also, I have lost my toenail several times and it always grows back, so hopefully your nail will, too!
This is what happens when you have no internet: you actually do something and things happen that you can blog about – hooray! (Well, we could have done without your shredded finger though. Hope it’s getting better!)
I once passed out when I accidentally cut my finger and NAIL while chopping vegetables. The Fear you had was warranted in my opinion. Good call on the ibuprofen and finger condoms and on a side note, I totally think your ring is beautiful!
1. This is horrible. Feel better.
2. It was also morbidly funny due to the hindsight. Even though, I’m sure it was terrifying at the time.
3. What the heck is mac and cheese soup? Do tell.
Oh my gosh, what a day! I hope you’re not in a lot of pain and that it heals quickly! (Although I will admit to laughing at the idea of Gabe being offended when you accidentally poked him in the eye!
1. You had me at mac & cheese soup. Recipe link-love pretty please?
2. This story is both humorous and OMG ouch; it sounds so painful. And I would react pretty much the same way you did.
3. Sending hugs.
I am so sorry, but I cannot stop laughing. I hope your finger is okay, thank you for sharing your story. I do stuff like this on a daily basis so it’s good to know that I’m only human and that other people do silly things as well.
also — Gabe’s big eyes melt my heart.
I’ve never heard of such a thing as macaroni and cheese soup, but I just bought an immersion blender so i’m thinking the soup should be my first endeavor with my new tool! Recipe, please…if you deem it worth sharing!
And great story, by the way!
I’m just now reading this post (I know, I’m a horrible blog-friend) but now you have proof: THE INTERNET FOREVER!!! it saves lives! and umm…fingers?
also, that armadillo is obviously the Holiday Armadillo!!! He can teach him about the Maccabees! teeheehee
Wow, this is what happens when I’m away from blog reading for a while! Sheesh. I hope you’re all healed up now.. or at least healing quickly. On that note, what the heck is macaroni and cheese soup and how do I get a hold of some!?