Today was frustrating.
I may have sworn at my computer more times than I’d like to admit. (CSS rollover images NOT working on my new site. Despite the fact that I spent hours upon hours trying to make them work. Bleh. ANYWAY.)
I got a headache.
Then I took a second vitamin instead of acetaminophen because I am absentminded. Then I ate a pound of green beans (I have weird eating habits).
If you’ve had a less-than-awesome day as well and need a little cheering up, I offer you these:
And most every time he wakes up from his nap, it goes a little like this…
And, finally, if you’d like to hear how talkative Gabe is:
Dinner Time. from Ashley Marie on Vimeo.
And now I shall go chase my sweet little baby around the apartment to improve my mood.
(If you don’t have a sweet little baby, maybe eat some ice cream instead. Or a giant bowl of Fruit Loops. Or a cupcake. Or a lot of chocolate chips. Or go work out if you’re one of those.) (Those: I am jealous of you and wished I worked out when I was sad. You are awesome.)
The video of him doing the crib dance when he woke up from his nap and then threw his binky reminded me SO MUCH of my Malachi :D I love that age so much!!!