My goal for 2015 was routine. Not routine in the sense of boring sameness, but routine in a way that our days and weeks have a predictability to them that helps me to fit in my desired habits as well as helping the boys to know what to expect. They both thrive from routine and I thrive from having a set time to work, clean, play, rest, and exercise.
Well, moving obviously put that goal in a huge tailspin, but we’re picking up the pieces and slowly settling back into a rhythm that works for us.
Moving (and the arrival of four molars) also sent Theo’s sleep into a tailspin, so I had to go back and read about how I helped him learn to sleep and re-sleep train him. (Again, I protest the fact that babies are not born knowing how to sleep well. Why. Not fair.)
I haven’t sent Gabe to preschool and I’m really enjoying our mornings together. We’ve developed a routine that works well for us. I’m enjoying not having to rush out of the house to get anywhere, fighting with him about how slowly puts his shoes on (OMG so slowly why). We’re also a week into a behavior/chore chart system (this one) and it’s appealing to his sense of achievement, so it’s going fabulously. I’d say arguments over cleaning up have decreased by 75%.
Mike’s job is as flexible as we’d hoped, which makes all of those years of juggling work schedules and child care and making peanuts so worth it. We essentially get to do what we did his first year or two of his doctorate program – tag team working and taking care of the kids so we take turns working. Except now he’s earning like 6 times his grad school stipend, so that’s nice.
It’s really fabulous and this is exactly what I hoped for – that he’d get to be home with the kids more and that I wouldn’t have to be home with them full-time. It’s better for all of us and I’m just beyond thankful.
Things with work are going well. I love having a place in our home to work that’s not in the middle of the living room. I recently ended a long-term relationship with a client, which was the right decision for a number of reasons, but also a little scary because it was a regular source of income. Hoping it opens the way for more dream clients to work with me. (Know someone struggling to get their website off the ground? Have them contact me!)
Our condo is becoming a home and I’m getting to sleep again and the weather cooled enough to wear jeans once or twice, so September is feeling pretty good.
Here are some scenes from life lately (for more follow me on Instagram):
Oh, YAY! I’m so glad to hear this, and especially the part about Mike getting so much time at home with the kids. Hopefully that will help smooth over any bumps in the road as you guys adjust to western Mass!
So glad things are going well, especially with Mike’s job and getting into a routine :)
So glad to hear things are going well for you guys. And love your clean up/dance party tradition. That seriously made me smile when I saw that pic & I told Matt that I can’t wait to do something like that when Riley is older.
I too would love to settle into a routine. Especially with exercising because I really need it. Any tip on how to start a routine without giving into the temptation of giving up early on?
Love this idea – maybe I’ll write a post about it! Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Awesome! I’ll be on the lookout for that one.
The place looks awesome!! So glad you guys are settling in and things are going really well!! It looks beautiful there! I would love to visit!! Please keep in touch!! Good luck with the sleep training, Jackson is drooling again and has decided to wake up at 12 and 4am again after a wonderful long bout of sleeping all through the night! Why?! lol