Let me introduce you to my youngest sibling. I can hardly believe he is graduating from high school.
Which means I graduated from high school a DECADE ago.
But this is about him, not me.
And he is really awesome, you guys. I have three sisters and love having sisters. And I liked having a baby/toddler/little kid in the family when I was younger, but now that we’re both (pretty much) adults, I can say that I love love love having a brother. I can’t imagine what life with four sisters was like from his perspective, but I can say how much I have enjoyed having him as a brother. He is kind, he is funny, he is super smart, and he is so just darn enjoyable to be around.
He gives me hope that parenting a teenage boy might actually be a joy.
Thanks for that, Anth.
Luckily for us, he isn’t going too far away for college. In fact, he’s going to be closer to us – just 2 miles away and studying engineering.
/////// F I E L D N O T E S ///////
I can’t believe my last photo shoot was in November (with the lovely Annette and Marc) What a long winter it was!
I recently sold my 85mm and 50mm 1.8 to purchase a 50mm 1.4 and am thrilled. I hardly used my 85 and the 1.4 is such an amazing step up from the 1.8 (though the 1.8 was a wonderful little starter lens)! I am using my 5D almost exclusively now and am happy with how sharp I can get it, even in really low light. It’s even better with good natural light, of course, but I’ve been pretty pleased with the results at night:
(Only one tiny bed side lamp was on in the room! Amazing. The power of my 5D + 50mm 1.4!)
(Also, Gabe slept on our floor because he was barfy last week…not a fun memory, but I just love seeing his chubby little hand under his head while he’s sleeping. Swoon.)
What a handsome brother you have; great smile and the photos are awesome (duh, I think you do great work). I can’t believe I graduated from high school 12 years ago… man, that seems like eons ago! I guess it was.
Hope Gabe is feeling better this week.
No. Way.
Hi Anthony – I met you when you were like 8, or 9, in the hallways of VWK. Stop growing up, okay?
Ashley- these are great! Love the masculine / natural poses for a guy’s senior portraits. Great work. And I can’t wait to hear more about the 1.4 and 5D! You’re making me super jealous :)
My little brother is a MAN. WHAT?!
I don’t know but we must make it STOP!
Your brother has to be cool if he’s giving a nod to Led Zepplin in these photos. =) And yes, that photo of Gabe is definitely swoon-worthy.
My brother is graduating this weekend too- except from college :) but close enough! I graduated hs 11 years ago- impossible to believe really. I love the photos of your brother, they look great :)
I feel so old! 10 years!
Holy Cow! I cannot believe how grown he has gotten! I can hardly recognize him now! What a handsome young man he has become! It’s no surprise he has turned out so well with such amazing sisters teaching him how to be such a kind person. (Your parents kind of rock too!) ;)
What I really love about your site is the quality of the pictures and love for your family
Beautiful photos! I find that the most difficult people to work with are always boys just because they are typically the least interested in any/most scenarios but it looks like you two had a blast. The pictures turned out great! Thanks so much for sharing, awesome post as always!